Case 3:
2016-10-08 15:12 Release person:Schindler Logistics
Our Company imports an order of boards with declared price of Grade 3 USD180/CBM while customs valuation is USD220/CBM. The client does not agree with the customs valuation. How shall we do?
Solution: to make sure quick customs clearance of goods and save demurrage charges for clients, we will apply “paying deposit for customs declaration” to the customs. That is, submit the application of ““paying deposit for customs declaration” in the name of operation unit to the customs. After approved by customs, we pay deposit (tax calculated by customs’ valuation price) to customs and perform normal customs declaration, release and goods delivery; then apply price review of this order of goods to customs. The customs will charge the operation unit for tax of this order by reviewed price after the review price is released and the deposit will return to the operation unit.
However, this method is risky. If the reviewed price shall be higher than the original valuation price, the client could only accept the price. Therefore we shall reach consensus with the client in advance.